CBD As A Muscle Relaxant

CBD Side Effects
CBD Side Effects
CBD Side Effects

CBD has begun to garner worldwide attention, with people starting to see the true list of benefits that it comes with. They have started to realise that the over-the-counter prescription drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen & paracetamol have loads of long term side effects attached to it, such as cardiac problems, gastrointestinal issues, blood thinning and increased risk of stroke.

CBD although been around for centuries on end, has only started to serve its true purpose now, all thanks to the hectic lifestyle that most of us have adopted. Although there is plenty to cover with regards to CBD benefits, but our focus is solely on CBDs use as a muscle relaxant. Read on.

What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is one of the ingredients that you would find in industrial hemp and marijuana plant. Apart from CBD there are similar such ingredients such as THC &CBC, which are all classified under “cannabinoids”.

CBD is a highly therapeutic substance that has strong pain relief properties and acts as a great anti-inflammatory. It relaxes the body and allow or the tension to slip through, allowing people with sleeping problems and anxiety to quickly go into a state of calmness.

CBD is non-psychoactive. Meaning it doesn’t create any of the effects that marijuana is associated with such as delusion, intoxication and euphoria. This feeling of high in marijuana is because of a strong psychoactive substance called THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. Taking in CBD products is perfectly safe when it comes to matters of sobriety.

CBD As A Muscle Relaxant

The contraction and movement of muscles are as a result of chemical messages that originate from the central nervous system, to the muscle group. There are chemical or cannabinoid equivalents produced in our own bodies called endocannabinoids. A lack of which will cause the excessive supply of these messenger chemicals to be produced.

An excess will cause the muscle to spasm and continuously tense up. CBD works by directly boosting the body’s supply of endocannabinoids and at the same time slowing down the chemical messengers. This two-fold effect occurs in tandem allowing for both; reducing spasticity as well as with muscle relaxation.

What Should I Know Before I Use CBD?         

CBD side effects are few and far between. Even WHO (World Health Organization) goes as far as to say that, CBD has an excellent profile. Make sure to consult a doctor before making the call to take in CBD. They will prescribe the right amount of dosage and the best method of delivery to ensure that your body reaps maximum benefits.